Jambo Muzungu! - This is what I hear 30 times per day. It basically means Hey Whitey! and is often times accompanied with a giggle.
Dala Dala - The local transportation system. Essentially a large van, room for 12 yet accommodates 22. But feels like 42. I've twice had live chickens under my feet. Stepping out of it is like being birthed from the womb.
Pig Noise - Many people, especially women, made a grunting slash pig sound to clear their throats. It's a bit startling but mostly funny.
Chipati - Similar to a savory pancake. There is something so satisfyingly primal about eating with your hands.
Dancing - Just. Amazing. Witnessing some of the moves in the local bars is like watching a professional dance show. I had no idea a booty could shake vertically like that.
PDA - You will never see a male/female couple holding hands but you will see male friends walking hand in hand or arm in arm. It's cute.
It's raw here and it's like watching life in the third person at times.